• Mar 16, 2025

Top 10 By Susan Wojcicki Quotes(Must Watch)

  1.  I have tried to be a leader. I have tried in my role of being one of the first women at Google, let alone the first woman to have a baby, to really try to set the tone that this is a great place to work for diversity reasons.

2      Google is fascinating, and the book isn't finished. I'm creating, living, building, and writing those chapters.
     Let's face it: Engineering companies in general have more men than women. Google has tried really hard to recruit women. On the other hand, we have a standard. Google tries to recruit the best engineers.

   We are a consumer company and our success is directly linked to our users trusting us. Therefore we have the same incentive as the user: they want to see relevant advertising so their experience of Google is positive and we want to deliver it.

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